November 30, 2008

headache earthquake

thingz have a good way of fuckin up, right when you really need them to go right. these next couple of dayz are going to a be one rough rollercoaster. big dipper don't let me down. please please pleassssseeeeeee.

for tops: autumn is ending, break my little heart.

November 25, 2008

good morning!!!

i love you just a little bit more each day. thanks santa cruz for being in my life!

Santa Cruz (Youre Not That Far) - The Thrills

November 24, 2008

holy shit, like totally, wow!

permanent ear damage... totally worth it.

japanther, the pharmacy, j.rabbit and friends: last night, santa cruz, freaking ridiculous. more like, out of control ridiculous.

so much fun, wish you were there. more like wish you were here. keep it fresh, sc.last night

November 20, 2008

red fingered

just blogging, per usual. i was attempting to blogg at work, due to lack of fabulous things to do and i got caught red handed on the internet. my fingertips were adoring blogspot, instead of organic certification bizness. well, i guess i got caught red fingered instead.

anywayz, the point of the point is do the shit ya supposed to do instead of the shit ya aint. syke, i doubt you're supposed to be blogging at the biblodiscoteca either. forget school.

Blankest Year - Nada Surf

November 19, 2008

friends are dope.

the past couple of dayz have been super fun crazy because i have some real genuine lovelies in my life. thanks a million; i'm glad you're in my life!

now that i'm old, i'll sing all my affections to you. love you.

November 18, 2008


holla world, i'm one year older!!!!!!!!

yeahhhhhhhhhh boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

November 12, 2008

wednesday = lame, monday you are so fine...

wednesdays are rough, right? freaking ridiculous.

couple lows for sure, but none stung quite as hard as the pain of being unable to finish the crossword. syke, i know i'm a monday person and that's okay. its nice to know on monday mornings that i can tackle that little puzzle.

will someone get this for my birthday/christmas/thanksgiving/life?

crosswordz or die.

November 11, 2008

hey, veterans... thanks! grandpa george and fellow comrades, you're totally boss.

j.rupperdo, this goes out to you, i'm thinking of you today, babygirl. thanks for reppin the red, white and fabulous. thinking about you; praying for you in the months to come.

i'm making a apple pie. god bless.

November 10, 2008

mondays can be deluxe, too.

for all the punks and fools in the house.

this is for you on this beautiful monday, i hope you get through the day. it's gray with the great possibility of rain over here on this side of the internet.

here's a jam to brighten yo day

pepe deluxe - ms. wilhelmina and her hat

November 8, 2008

its great to feel alive.

November 7, 2008


no place like home, hideous oakes.

between photography and architecture, i come and kick it in the ole stomping ground. its nice to run into some of the og homies of malcolm x college.

today, i sat on the bench above lower lawn for a bit, until it was too freaking hottt. but let's just say it was tight to sit there, remember and soak up the loveliness.

November 4, 2008


congrats, dude.

November 1, 2008

rain on my skylight

hello november. i thought you were autumn, but i guess not. funk you winter.

i guess i girl can't always get what she wants, in turn it seems necessary to find what to do on rainy dayz

what i did today:
- ate hashbrowns
- talked on skype
- scooped out the internet
- listened to boards of canada
- wrote a letter to a little french darling
- made hot apple cider

options i thought about:
- making poms
- sewing
- cleaning room
- borrowing music from the internot

rain, rain go away. stay the funk away until winter (for real).