i don't understand. don't get me wrong, i love me a strong WOman. but, seriously, sarah palin....
although (as previously stated), obama has been my boy from the beginning. my big ole heart, respects and admires senator mccain. maybe that is in part because he is a homeowner in the town that i lovingly call home; mccain ain't that bad. i don't believe i can say the same about his running mate on the other hand.
understandably, this is a new age of celebrity politics. i saw her speech on the second night of the rnc, these are my concerns:
- why was her four month old baby present at the convention? her babe, in swaddling clothes, has down syndrome. anyone who has had, taken care, seen or has common sense would realize that little squirt needed to be asleep in a hotel room somewhere (with a nanny, of course) and not used as a prop to enhance a candidate's image.
- what's up with her glasses? first off, they're ugly. secondly, they really don't make her look any more intelligent or put together.
- the hockey mom posters are stupid.
- she should have worn an oscar de la renta number instead of the bland but professional suit she chose. cindy and laura sported one, look your part and sport one too.
it is obvious that i don't have any complaints about her general speech, but the whole thing seemed a little too absurd; a rant was in order.
AND this is the BEST... http://www.rollingstone.com/rockdaily/index.php/2008/09/05/heart-lash-out-at-mccain-campaigns-use-of-barracuda/
im crazy on you, heart.
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