so i've been talkin, this internet logging needs a little improvement. i was at a loss of what to do, so i'm giving something a try...
wonderful things happen and they happen on the internet too. i'm in this class called "time based media and the body"; at the moment i'm struggling through a term paper that discusses how media and the internet are technological extensions of ourselves. so, i'd like to extend things that make me feel good about life: things that are truly DELUXE.
a lovely lovely shared this song with me and i'd like to share it with you. i was trying to download it (legally, of course) and i came across this blog that put it so perfectly:
"This is a love song, not unlike any other, but so sweet and brimming with innocent, simple adoration. With honesty and earnestness, no false layers of pretense and pretentious long metaphors and similes, just by using these contrasts, these juxtaposed, sometimes funny, sometimes cute, sometimes charming, sometimes non-nonsensical things. This jingling, upbeat melody, angelic backing vocals a perfect backdrop, but most importantly, this intimacy, this song written for you and just you, because it's obvious, isn't it? Obvious like all these mismatched eye colors and religion, because you know how badly I'd like to be with you."
i've been struggling with a few songs of my own, most of which are love songs or songs of love. although, one thing i haven't been struggling with is how much i love this song. i've got in the mix these dayz; enjoy!
to be continued...
December 7, 2008
you deserve more than this.
grow up and run away. ya feel me? let's ditch this place and try something new!!?!
so the grind is on, but that doesn't mean that thingz can't be fabulous per usual.
since i'm now a full grown adult and all, zimzammers and jennylove took me to the little club to celebrate this break from adolescence. i was hoping to see major tanaka (worst teacher in chs history, dick supreme), but instead i only the bathroom floor most of the night. blahaha.
it stinks being full blown german and not being able to keep up with the big gunz. hopefully, when i return to the motherland this winter i can step it up a notch.
thingz have a good way of fuckin up, right when you really need them to go right. these next couple of dayz are going to a be one rough rollercoaster. big dipper don't let me down. please please pleassssseeeeeee.
for tops: autumn is ending, break my little heart.
just blogging, per usual. i was attempting to blogg at work, due to lack of fabulous things to do and i got caught red handed on the internet. my fingertips were adoring blogspot, instead of organic certification bizness. well, i guess i got caught red fingered instead.
anywayz, the point of the point is do the shit ya supposed to do instead of the shit ya aint. syke, i doubt you're supposed to be blogging at the biblodiscoteca either. forget school.
couple lows for sure, but none stung quite as hard as the pain of being unable to finish the crossword. syke, i know i'm a monday person and that's okay. its nice to know on monday mornings that i can tackle that little puzzle.
will someone get this for my birthday/christmas/thanksgiving/life?
crosswordz or die.
November 11, 2008
hey, veterans... thanks! grandpa george and fellow comrades, you're totally boss.
j.rupperdo, this goes out to you, i'm thinking of you today, babygirl. thanks for reppin the red, white and fabulous. thinking about you; praying for you in the months to come.
this is for you on this beautiful monday, i hope you get through the day. it's gray with the great possibility of rain over here on this side of the internet.
between photography and architecture, i come and kick it in the ole stomping ground. its nice to run into some of the og homies of malcolm x college.
today, i sat on the bench above lower lawn for a bit, until it was too freaking hottt. but let's just say it was tight to sit there, remember and soak up the loveliness.
hello november. i thought you were autumn, but i guess not. funk you winter.
i guess i girl can't always get what she wants, in turn it seems necessary to find what to do on rainy dayz
what i did today: - ate hashbrowns - talked on skype - scooped out the internet - listened to boards of canada - wrote a letter to a little french darling - made hot apple cider
options i thought about: - making poms - sewing - cleaning room - borrowing music from the internot
rain, rain go away. stay the funk away until winter (for real).
October 31, 2008
snapz for halloween, right?
hope it is a spooky one.
p.s. phil was on fire at the crepe place last night.
so i was doing some thinkin' (instead of some studin')...
the library is the biggest bad party you'll ever go to: 1. everyone is there 2. everyone is pissed 3. most people look nervous, scared or tired 4. i always have a headache 5. people around you always have uninteresting, stupid, loud conversations 6. shit is always rolled at 11:45pm 7. no beer
who stole autumn? it is freaking october and it was ninty degrees the other day. what the funk? don't get me wrong, i like my shorty shorts and sunglasses, but i was looking forward to a crisp breeze. is that too much for a lady to ask for?!? i hope the weather doesn't punk my ass: skip fall and go straight to winter... PLEASEEEE
not to bag on winter, it's nice to snuggle up with a cup of cocoa and make poms, etc. BUT I WANT AUTUMN IN MY LIFE. someone help me, never-the-less it looks like everything will be fine...
what the funk am i eating these dayz?!? did you know that fertiizers were developed during post WWI to make use of the equipment that used to make toxic war time weapons? ummm, pass the green beans ma.
FUNK, only pure top of the line organics will touch these tender (today, they are unusually chapped and dry... extremely embarassing) lips.
i went down to the homeland this past week, last minute per usual. i didn't even see any homies, this weekend was all about my dear sweet ole mother.
momcakes is moving onward and her new place is totally crazy nutz PERFECT!! i love it. although, her poor little soul is all worried about the dang thing. i spent the entire weekend lifting cuisinarts and antique china (that she's never used, as far as i can remember). while i working away like a little pup, i found out that she has a REAL dali print. WTF!!! i never knew that the print thats been in her bedroom since i was a wee thang is a freaking DALI. i funk freaked.
OHHHHHHHH, and guess who is finally employed?!? the new marketing intern for california certified organic farmers is in the house!!! HOLLA BITCHES!!! slam dunk, honeyflies. momma is bringing home the bacon tonight!!
i lit my house on fire today. no fucking joke, i lit my perfect wasabi house on fucking fire.
i was smoking a god damn cancerous long and skinny; one of my ashes set the penthouse aflame. i had just finished a delightful granola and yogurt breakfast, lit up (like a fool) and went inside to take a shower. im not even going to front, im a pretty fast showerer. i changed and was doing my morning routine before class, when i hear yelling 'n stompin. the construction workers across the way were hosing down mah porch. the wood was even toasty, but then the fire department rolls up.
again, like a fool, i start freaking out (like a freak). lady firefighter escorts me to the out of sight and tells me to calm the hell down. blinded, gentlemen firefighters cut down part of my porch to check out the damage. the fools do more damage then good.
big j, mack daddy, and mista marv rolled over to help a lady out. needless to say, seven hours later, the backside of the wasabi house looks beautiful.
i am the worst housemate.
rule #1: don't set the 100 year old house on fire.
back in business, showing my true love for santa cruzzz.
school started yesterday. it was such thrill walking to class, smelling the redwoods again. my classes are all dope. this is going to be the best quarter evaaaaa.
and for tops, my OG sean paul is coming to the cruz this weekend with lady d. super deluxe!
today is my first day in the most beautiful house on the western coast. there is so much to do, but i want to stay home and soak it all in.
September 10, 2008
i will be SUPER productive today.
a. buy airline ticket b. pack up bags c. cut bangs d. bike the city e. mail storage unit check f. e-mail old friend g. e-mail new friend h. clean room i. fix mother's computer j. paint nails red k. return library books l. say goodbye
i don't understand. don't get me wrong, i love me a strong WOman. but, seriously, sarah palin....
although (as previously stated), obama has been my boy from the beginning. my big ole heart, respects and admires senator mccain. maybe that is in part because he is a homeowner in the town that i lovingly call home; mccain ain't that bad. i don't believe i can say the same about his running mate on the other hand.
understandably, this is a new age of celebrity politics. i saw her speech on the second night of the rnc, these are my concerns:
- why was her four month old baby present at the convention? her babe, in swaddling clothes, has down syndrome. anyone who has had, taken care, seen or has common sense would realize that little squirt needed to be asleep in a hotel room somewhere (with a nanny, of course) and not used as a prop to enhance a candidate's image.
- what's up with her glasses? first off, they're ugly. secondly, they really don't make her look any more intelligent or put together.
- the hockey mom posters are stupid.
- she should have worn an oscar de la renta number instead of the bland but professional suit she chose. cindy and laura sported one, look your part and sport one too.
it is obvious that i don't have any complaints about her general speech, but the whole thing seemed a little too absurd; a rant was in order.
in fifth grade, my friend laura would drive me home from student council. laura was obsessed with sailor moon and would order vegetarian supreme pizza then proceed to pick off all the toppings.
her mom, who loved those interesting wholesome body cleaning techniques like getting wrapped head to toe in exotic seaweed and was devoted to those huge gemstones that have magical healing power, would play the same cassette tape each time she picked us up from an after-school student council meeting.
i think that the artist name was chocolate or somethang like that; laura's favorite song had a chorus that would repeat itself over and over and oveeerrrrrr about being a small girl in a big world.
lately, i've been feeling pretty small; there are some nuances in feeling like that. i know that this sort has been beaten over head by writers, musicians, patients of therapists, etc. time and time again.
went to the dentist. two cavities to be corrected.
i'm sitting in the chair and they're taking x-rays. when they are all done, the lady left without taking the freaking bulletproof vest with her. got crushed for at least twenty minutes until someone pulled me out from underneath it.
i used to hate the dentist because my childhood dentist would quiz me on times tables while cleaning my pearly whites. but now i hate it, for leaving me paralyzed under that damn metal blanket.
i'm not going to eat another piece of candy again.
September 2, 2008
sooo... my favorite curly top just bounced the country.
she will be chillin in austria (not austrialia, austria: the more swanky of the two-- no offense ausies) im going to eurotripit out there in december, but it will be dang hard not having miss little sunbutt in my life.
p.s. was watching the republican national convention and lieberman is totally off his rocker. that shit he spat tonight made me want to split the country. goodbye usa, i'll check you out when you finally get yo senses together.
life in the tent city zoo: night shift, world exploded.
during treasure map time, the cutest boy with a brown curly mop can't make it to the bathroom and lets it all go on the fifteen foot giraffe puzzle. after the incident (and the terrible experience that followed with trying to find his parents), we all went pool side to watch the latest movie that the del thinks is young, hip and excellllent. five or so navy jets flew over; this darling boy with hearing aids couldn't stand it and ripped out his ear pieces. i tried to put them back in, but the damn things were ringing with feedback. once i figured out those little suckers and put them into his ears, he thanked me by jumping up and peeing all over the pool deck. if that wasn't enough, one of the animals escaped from the tent city zoo (only to be found a couple minutes later).
1. blogs = cool 2. there are multiple shades of perfect 3. all dance moves should be learned from children 4. the hotel del coronado is a piece of shit 5. ping pong rules 6. dogz aren't as bad as they seem 7. san diego is as bad as it seems (syke, its totally off the chain) 8. jokes are valuable merchandise 9. stay away from hot tubs 10. the internet is not a friend 11. don't believe everything said in a text message (4 realz!!) 12. operation of automobiles should be avoided 13. grandma's cooking is not the best 14. drinking games with grandma are the best 15. the east coast is calling my name 16. friends of friends are the best friends 17. michael phelps is ugly
spring quarter is just about over and you were fabulous.
i'm looking forward to seeing you in the fall, santa cruz. summer has a strong possibility of blowing, no offense san diego. BUT cruz, when i see you later it will be wonderful.
i wish everyone knew how much i love them. even people that i don't talk to anymore or people that i may have fallen out with, i love you (most ardently and sincerely).
i hate when friends fall out. if you change your mind, i'll still be here with open arms. come running lovelys, life is too short.
spring '08 better be good; winter just did not treat me right.
went to see explosions in the sky with jimbly bearheart yesterday. it was soooooooo good. good is the incorrect word in fact. good implies decent as in:
alana- "hey hey, how are you doing?" you- "good" (meaning ehhhh...)
it was fab-u-lous. the word of spring quarter: fabulous.
let's make spring fabulous, agreed?
March 16, 2008
hot new idea (prompted by many, billions in fact):
i need to write songs that are pertinent to everyone and what is more relatible than the universe. everyone lives in and is part of it.
but how do you write a song about the universe?
goals for spring '08:
1. jam 2. only eat sandwiches with jam, no more of that jelly shit 3. do well in my joke classes 4. come up with better jokes 5. meet some new folks 6. make mix tapes for friends (and friends of friends) 7. write letters (pen pal, anyone?) 8. finish jacket for juliet michelle 9. give away all ugly clothes 10. don't buy more ugly clothes 11. stop cutting own hair 12. grow facial hair 13. jugamos tennis con tu 14. stop speaking broken spanish 15. come up with some more legitimate goals
March 14, 2008
i found a mix cd under a pile of junk, although it would hardly play due to so many scratches. so i "remastered"; hoodcheck proudly presents:
diet cokes, fake designer sunglasses and the soundtrack to the end of summer (remastered):
every other day, i stare at the back of your head. its not fabulous in any manner, in fact, you should wash it a bit more frequently. are your constant head scratches a nervous habit or do you just have a dry scalp? does your hair naturally have those waves in the back or is that just how you slept on it?
if i sit in front of you tomorrow, will you stare at the back of my head?
winter quarter 2008, you're killing me. the open road is looking a lot more alluring everyday. and the god damn raining is helping either. at least lupe fiacso has been keeping me company.
do you hang out in libraries on saturday evenings, lupe?