August 20, 2008


life in the tent city zoo: night shift, world exploded.

during treasure map time, the cutest boy with a brown curly mop can't make it to the bathroom and lets it all go on the fifteen foot giraffe puzzle. after the incident (and the terrible experience that followed with trying to find his parents), we all went pool side to watch the latest movie that the del thinks is young, hip and excellllent. five or so navy jets flew over; this darling boy with hearing aids couldn't stand it and ripped out his ear pieces. i tried to put them back in, but the damn things were ringing with feedback. once i figured out those little suckers and put them into his ears, he thanked me by jumping up and peeing all over the pool deck. if that wasn't enough, one of the animals escaped from the tent city zoo (only to be found a couple minutes later).

minimum wage is not cutting it.

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