March 1, 2010

1 comment:

julio said...

"On August 6th 1960, the test pilot Captain Joseph Kittinger travelled, in a small cabin attached to a balloon, to an altitude no human had previously reached outside of a spacecraft. The ascent took just over an hour and a half. When he arrived at 102,800 feet, he waited for his gondola to drift into the right position, then stepped out into space and fell to Earth. He spent 4 minutes and 36 seconds in freefall, during which he reached a speed of over 600mph. Eventually, at 18,000 feet, he opened his parachute.

It is said that during his ascent, as the world around him became empty and dark, Kittinger, a deeply religious man, began to doubt the existence of God; as he jumped, he was sure he would die; and that for him, the most testing part of the adventure was not the thought of death, or the physical pain, but the extreme loneliness at what is really the edge of the world."